Arrow season 1 episode 19
Arrow season 1 episode 19

You can really see the fire burn in Oliver's eyes at this point as he sets to getting back to business. She brings him back around by informing him that Blood and Slade are in cahoots and have orchestrated the whole thing from the beginning.


His team lets him know it, with Felicity and Diggle taking the first crack at him, and, in a surprise reveal, Laurel takes the second. He's essentially taking the easy way out. Amell does a good job of brooding (something he's done all along), and we really get the sense that his heart is no longer in the fight. It's here we get the first glimpse of a broken hero, a man who has convinced himself that he cannot win against his foe, but that he has one card left to play in order to save the ones he loves: sacrifice. It turns out that Oliver has been stewing over at his secondary facility, the one he uses to get some Ollie-time (and in case the Foundry ever gets shut down, which looks like it may happen in short order). Thea, Laurel, Amanda, Felicity, and even Isabel got some great moments in "City of Blood" and took their performances to another level. (I'd like to make a point as to how strong the female characters and actors are on this show in general, and specifically tonight. It also gave other characters, notably Thea and Amanda Waller, a chance to share the spotlight. What a great way to show the ill-at-ease mood of the team after the events of Moira's death and the disappearance of Oliver.

arrow season 1 episode 19

Add to it the fact that Oliver doesn't show up for the first 20 minutes, and it all felt rather strange and disorienting.

arrow season 1 episode 19

This was one of the longer opening sequences of the show so far. There are better ways to handle cliffhangers, folks. It wasn't enough to leave us hanging in Island Time, but the main arc of the episode literally stopped in the middle of the action as well. There are cliffhangers and then there was tonight's episode, which felt like it cut off right in the middle of a two or three-hour movie. Everything goes more or less according to plan, until Ollie radios back to Sara, who he presumes safe, and we're left with wondering what has her so distressed. It seems Peter has suffered severe radiation poisoning due to Ivo's experiments and will die soon anyway, so he figures, "What the hell!" and offers to bust them all loose. Comic books!) They solve this problem with the show's theme: sacrifice. It's my understanding that the manned torpedos were more like powered submersibles that divers piloted to the underside of a ship to plant an explosive, and then retreated before detonation. Second problem: the torpedos must be manually piloted.

arrow season 1 episode 19

Their solution is to use a torpedo to blast them free. One problem: the sub's pretty busted up and is currently run aground in the shallows. Ivo) board the sub with the plan of blowing up Slade on the Amazo, and then piloting themselves to safety. Ollie, Sara, Anatoly, and Peter (a former prisoner of Dr. That being said, what better place to start than back on the island? If there was one strong thematic element to tonight's episode, it's clearly that of sacrifice.

Arrow season 1 episode 19